Tuesday, August 23, 2011

El - Shaddai

In the early hours of the morning, with my mind tracing the tracks of time as I so often engage in, I find myself hearing the echoes of people that speak so often about this or that, and knowing little to nothing about either one (this or that). Don't misjudge that which I am revealing to you that are reading this, I am merely exposing to you a very little of my thoughts and nothing else. It is interesting to hear people speak of El - Shaddai, which is interpreted, God of the Mountain or God Almighty, which I often call him intimately (the Almighty). There are some that are so steeped in ignorance (uninformed, unaware) that will refer to the Almighty in feminine terms. This kind of ignorance only typify their absurdity and disobedience to the Almighty, do not try to correct such an one, for there is no hearing of a fool, they are twice deaf. Then there are those that seems to think that they have the Almighty ear for all of the vain glory they, in ignorance, send his way through formality of their services, or the phrases that they use, or the cross es they have hanging from around their sordid necks, or the Holy Bible that they parade around  under their defiled arms or their broad white collars, or their magnificent robes. Does any of those things force or compel the Almighty that he should see such an one or a nation as being Holy? A declared NO, is the answer. It is one thing to talk of the Almighty in admiring terms; it's another thing altogether to walk such a walk. From where I stand, those that attend services on a regular basis and those that do not, have this in common, neither of them know the Almighty as they profess to know him. The Almighty will not be coerced to follow you, but rather he will denounce you and your ways if you continue to be obstinate to his way and most importantly, his Word. The end of the matter is this: You will not be able to persuade or beguile the Almighty in all of your much speaking or ostentatiousness for he is not, like man.

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